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Staff & Board

Photo by: Sheri Granger Archuleta

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Tsiporah Nephesh provides leadership and support for New Mexico nonprofits. While admiring the ingenuity and accomplishments of individual nonprofits, she understands that nonprofits’ real strength lies in having a collective voice and working together.  


Tsiporah founded New Mexico Thrives to be that collective voice and advocate on behalf of New Mexico’s nonprofit sector. 


Prior to founding New Mexico Thrives, Tsiporah was Program Coordinator for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence, United Way of Central New Mexico from 2006 to 2016. During that time, she became familiar with the work of many nonprofits. Tsiporah has served with nonprofits, including as Executive Director.

Dr. Stacey Cox is the Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Health Innovation.


The Center advances community health, resilience, and social justice in New Mexico.


Dr. Patty Emord is Collaborative Solutions Conulting's principal consultant, has many years’ experience working with community organizations, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and private corporations. Her practice is guided by a philosophy of building capacity and empowerment, providing her clients with new perspectives and insights into their strengths and possibilities for growth and development. Empowered with new capacities and knowledge, organizations can move forward effectively.


Dr. Emord is a member of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) and American Educational Research Association (AERA) and a charter member of the New Mexico Evaluators.

Jeffrey Hoehn, MPA

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Dawn Z. Hommer, MBA, is the Chief Executive Officer of the Community Action Agency of Southern New Mexico.


Dawn is a Certified Community Action Professional and a graduate of the Paso Del Norte REALIZE leadership program. She serves on several Community Action Boards including as Chair of the New Mexico Association of Community Partners, Secretary for the Region VI Community Action Partnership, and CAPLAW. She holds a Master of Business Administration from NMSU where she also received her Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing, with Distinction in University Honors. She is devoted Philadelphia Eagles fan and loves to hike.

Catherine Hummel is the Executive Director of DreamTree Project, Inc. The agency covers five counties across northern and northeastern New Mexico. It operates an emergency youth shelter, multiple housing programs, street outreach, and two social enterprise ventures, DreamTree Farms and Ziggy's Frozen Yogurt.


Catherine is a board member of the Ventana Fund, a community development financial institution creating affordable housing statewide, a member of the Taos Milagro Rotary Club, and volunteers weekly at the Taos Food Coop.

Olivia Roanhorse, MPH, is Chief Operating Officer and Research and Evaluation Portfolio Lead of Roanhorse Consulting

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New Mexico Thrives is fiscally sponsored by the Center of Southwest Culture, a 501(c)(3) organization.





Phone: 505-764-0440

Address: 505 Marquette Ave NW, #1610

Albuquerque, NM 87102

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